You may think your Google Scholar citation/H-index is the indicator of your academic achievement...But "focus on the students, since graduating great students means you'll produce great research, while focusing on the research may or may not graduate great students" -- David Notkin and Yuan Xie
Please stay humble, remain reliable, and always aim high. We often overestimate what we can
do in a year, but largely underestimate what can be achieved in five years or more. So, dream it, believe it, and achieve it!
Principal Investigator
Sidi Lu
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
William & Mary
Email: sidi [at] wm [dot] edu
Collaborative Students
Undergraduate students
Research Interests
Robotics, Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, AI, Computer Vision
Email: mpcropper [at] wm [dot] edu
Elias Paparis Award Winner!
Mentored students
Current Enrollment
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Ohio State University
Research Interests
Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Machine Learning